Krystal Walker – Uptown Male Spa & Skincare Center LLC


Who are you and what do you do? 

My name is Krystal Walker. I am the Founder of Uptown Male Spa & Skincare Center LLC here in Murfreesboro, as well as a Licensed Esthetician. Uptown Male is unique in the fact that we cater solely to men and their Man Maintenance in offering Haircuts, Waxing, Pedicures, Beard Grooming, Manicures, Massages & Skincare…to name a few of our services.

How did you get the idea for your business? 

While working for a local beauty school, I recognized there was a growing demand for Male Grooming services. I started researching this unique idea and realized no one was catering specifically to the men… this is when my idea first started to emerge.

How did you make your first sale?

Being as how Uptown Male is a unique concept in the Middle Tn area, I decided to give away Complimentary Services during the first week I opened for business. Much to my surprise, the top 2 most requested services were the Brazilian (Male Waxing) & Skincare facials. This confirmed what I already knew, that the demand for Male Grooming was indeed a real need.

What is unique about owning and running a business in Murfreesboro? 

Murfreesboro is unique in the fact that you still have the small-town feel, yet it offers the amenities of a more metropolitan city. In the vibe of small town feel, I have found that Murfreesboro is very supportive of small businesses.

How do you advertise your business? 

Mostly thru Social Media… I mean let’s be real, men are not as forthcoming as we ladies are in discussing with one another where they go to get their man maintenance, haircut, beard trim, eyebrows groomed, etc. I have also had a FANTASTIC response to our sponsorship of several Charity Golf Tournaments throughout the year. We setup tents on the Golf Course itself with giveaways and complimentary chair massages. This really helps to get the word out about who we are and what Man Maintenance services we offer.

As a business owner, what keeps you up at night? 

Oh gosh! Lots of business things keep me up at night! How to handle growth, what things are working for us, what is not working, time management, team management, as well as an unending lists of other things…which I am sure most business owners juggle.

What is one way you’ve had to pivot or change course to grow your business? 

With all the uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic, it was critical for us to take measures to keep ourselves, as well as our clients, as safe as possible. I also felt it was important to reassure and show our clients we are vested in their safety and well-being. For example, we have only one client in a service area at a time. For us, safety and sanitation is always an ongoing focus.

If you could wave a magic wand and make one problem go away in your business what would it be?

This is an easy one… I would wave my magic wand and have the perceived misconceptions about a Male Spa to go away!! I would replace those misconceptions with the knowledge that, it is okay for men to receive the same types of services that ladies regularly enjoy at spas and salons to keep them looking their best.  I would also wave that magic wand to let guys know their skin, hair, nails, etc. are the same as us ladies and they too need to be taken care of on a regular basis.

If you could travel back in time to the day you started your business, what advice would you give yourself?

I would tell my freaked out, scared self that it is okay to make mistakes and wrong decisions, as they are ultimately what helps you to grow and flourish.

What’s one business lesson you’ve learned that you’d be willing to share?

I typically go with my gut instinct 100% of the time, however I also make sure to back that up with due diligence in research, research, research.  I would also say, know your own strengths and weaknesses. Be willing to hire & delegate to others those things that aren’t your forte.

What’s the one thing you’re doing right now from a marketing perspective that’s getting you more customers?

Physically getting in front of my target demographic. For example, I have found that sponsoring Charity Golf Events is very effective. I also have a great website developer who has shown me the incredible value of utilizing a free Google Business Page. I would estimate 95% of our clients say they found us on Google!

Where do you want to go with your business? 

 I am regularly asked where & when I am going to open my next location. As I continue to tweak and fine tune the current Uptown Male location, it is done with an eye towards repeating this same process at other locations, in the not-so-distant future.

What do you use for a daily to-do list? 

I am definitely old school and find the most effective to-do lists for me are still jotted down with pen on paper. My more long-term goals and projects are listed on my smartphone for my reference.

What social media apps do you use that other businesses could use? 

Thankfully, I have a great company that helps me create my social media content. I can take that content, add it to Business Suite with any tweaks I may prefer, and have it simultaneously posted on Facebook and Instagram with just a few clicks of the keyboard. Very time saving!

I have also found that adding pictures and content to my free Google Business page is very effective. It allows me valuable insight regarding my content demographics.


Learn more about Uptown Male Spa & Skincare Center LLC by visiting their website!


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