Sarah Van Horn – Van Horn Cookies and The SodaBar


What’s the origin story of your business? 

My business all started with a birthday party! Back in 2014, I made decorated sugar cookies for the first time for my daughter’s first birthday. I was totally hooked on the process –it was so intriguing!

A few months later, someone asked me to make cookies for a marriage retreat. Word spread from there, and I started getting a steady flow of custom orders. Fast forward to 2019, when we moved to Murfreesboro. I knew I wanted to keep baking, so I started selling my cookies at the local farmers market. It was important to me that people knew my cookies weren’t just pretty, they were delicious too! So, I’d hand out samples – and that strategy worked. Orders kept growing, and things were really taking off.

Then, in August of last year, we decided to take a leap and get a food truck. That’s where the cookie ice cream sandwiches came in – a delicious combination of my cookies and locally-sourced ice cream from Nash Family Creamery.

Just recently, things got even more exciting! Scott Graby approached us about buying his business – a family-friendly soda bar ice cream shop located at the fountains. He knew we already had some ice cream knowledge, and he wanted to see the legacy continue. It was an incredible opportunity, and we’re so excited for this new chapter! We’ve added our name to it and it’s now called “The Soda Bar by Van Horns Cookies”. We’ll just call it by its original name the soda bar for short.

What’s an obstacle that you’ve had to overcome to build your business?

There’s no instruction manual! In the beginning, I just wanted someone with all the answers and expertise, someone to tell me exactly what to do. But quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen. It’s all about trial and error. There were things I had no idea about, like filing taxes every month and not just annually (and the penalties for not doing so!).

Starting a business from scratch meant dealing with everything, from the creative side to the nitty-gritty administrative tasks. That was a huge challenge for me – the behind-the-scenes stuff wasn’t exactly my strength.

But guess what? Learning the hard way is what builds resilience. Resilience is what makes or breaks your business.

What is unique about owning and running a business in Murfreesboro?

One of the unique things about running a business in Murfreesboro has been the incredible sense of community. It’s like everyone wants to help each other out. We started small, selling just a few cookies at a farmers market, but from the very beginning, things just grew organically. I met my first employee there, thanks to a recommendation from her dad!

Word-of-mouth spread quickly, and I’ve been so grateful for the warm welcome we’ve received. People here are friendly, supportive, and genuinely kind. Getting out there and meeting people is incredibly easy in Murfreesboro. In fact, I even met the Boro Business Lab team at a local event! It’s a place where connections happen organically, and that’s been a huge blessing for our business.

If you can wave a magic wand and make one problem go away in your business, what would that be?  

If I could wave a magic wand, I would make the administrative tasks disappear! There’s so much bookkeeping and emailing involved in running a business. But the best part of my business is that I get to integrate my family into it. My kids can come hang out in the kitchen after school and help with little jobs. They even come to vendor events with me! I love that they get to see me working hard and that they can come along side in the business. They’re like my own little marketing team! I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

What’s one thing you’d say to a person starting a new business?

My biggest piece of advice for someone starting a new business? Just do it! There will be obstacles, but the difference between success and failure is the determination to keep going. It won’t be easy, but having someone who believes in you, like a spouse or partner, can be a game-changer. Focus on the bigger picture and believe in building something that will last.

For those who’ve been in business for a long time, the key is to adapt! Listen to your customers, their needs change and so should your business. The economy and customer preferences are constantly evolving, so be a lifelong learner and embrace change! It’s so exciting to think about the possibilities God has for us in the future!

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